《Call Me by Your Name以你的名字呼喚我》,2018年我在毫無劇透的情況下,白紙一張走入電影院,出來時百味雜陳——畫面太美,主角臉蛋太好,愛情故事不矯情,道出人性的真誠、善良與軟弱,恕我詞窮不能寫盡電影的好。
電影是電影,改編巴哈的自然不是演Elio的Timothée Chalamet,不過他憑琴技和演技,演活了一個音樂情人。
Elio 彈巴哈的一場戲(註1:英文字幕)
據說這首曲是巴哈唯一一首得以留存下來的主題音樂,即有故事性的音樂,六個樂章的樂曲,題為「致敬愛兄長的離別」("On the Departure of His Beloved Brother",總覺得中文譯得怪怪的,哈)。


Elio 一角為Tim帶來奧斯卡最佳男主角的提名,我總覺得《沙丘》縱然未有掩蓋他的美貌,卻埋沒了他的演技。

Elio 想像李斯特彈巴哈capriccio 的一段改編琴譜
Oliver: Sounds nice.
Elio: I thought you didn't like it.
Oliver: Play it again, would you?
Elio: Follow me.
Oliver: That sounds different. Did you change it?
Elio: I changed it a little bit.
Oliver: Why?
Elio: I was playing it the way Liszt would have played it, if he'd... altered Bach's version.
Oliver: Play that again.
Elio: Play what again?
Oliver: The thing you played outside.
Elio: Oh, you want me to play the thing I played outside?
Oliver: Please.
Elio: Arrh.
Oliver: I can't believe you changed it again!
Elio: Oh, I've changed it a little bit.
Oliver: Yeah! Why?
Elio: I just played it the way Busoni would have played it, if I he'd... altered Liszt's version.
Oliver: And what is wrong with Bach? The way Bach would have played Bach?
Elio: Bach never wrote it for the guitar… In fact, we're not even sure if Bach wrote...
Oliver: Forget I asked!
Elio: It's Young Bach. He dedicated it to his brother.
註2:今年第77屆香港學校音樂節 (2025)的鋼琴獨奏 Class 128 組別曲目為
5th movement: Allegro poco Aria del Postiglione and 6th movement: Fuga all' imitatione della posta
Composer: Bach
Publication Name: Capriccio sopra la lontananza del fratello dilettissimo in Bb, BWV 992